The WorldChristian bookstore has a passion to provide strategic, thoughtful, educational and inspirational resources (at discount prices) that nourish a WorldChristian perspective. The bookstore ministry has operated since 1993 — online and at many mission conferences around the country.
A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Buddhism
This guide will help you overcome the hurdles and communicate the gospel in a way that Buddhists can understand.

Peoples of the Buddhist World
Stunning full-color introduction to Buddhism and the Buddhist peoples of the world.
Sharing Jesus in the Buddhist World
This guide will help you overcome the hurdles and communicate the gospel in a way that Buddhists can understand.

Buddhism: A Christian Exploration and Appraisal
This book guides any reader who wants to understand the central tenets and claims of Buddhism more deeply and learn how it compares to Christian faith.
The Lotus and the Cross: Jesus Talks with Buddha
Have you ever wondered what Jesus would say to Mohammed? Or Buddha? Or Oscar Wilde?

Communicating Christ in the Buddhist World
Compiled from papers presented at the annual SEANET Missiological Forum in Thailand, Communicating Christ in the Buddhist World delivers fresh insights from mission theologians and practitioners.
Communicating Christ through Story and Song
With contributions from seasoned practitioners, this insightful book explores the Biblical foundations — and the cultural imperative — of employing oral tradition to effectively communicate in Buddhist contexts.

Visit for a complete listing of resources on Buddhism
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